We are excited to offer another Virtual Gathering with Richard Powers on Saturday, October 16, 2021. The 2020 Virtual Gathering with Richard consisted of three illustrated talks, and this year Richard will offer talks as well as dance classes with no partner required!
Because we want you to come, there will be no required charge, however we welcome donations.
Registration is now open: Click here to resister
Virtual Gathering Schedule
Oct 16
Richard Powers Talks and Instruction
- 1:00-1:45 ET: Illustrated Talk: The
Dances of the 1920s and 30s,
followed by...
- 1:45-2:00 ET: Class: 1920s Blues Dancing (partner is optional)
- 2:00-2:15 ET: Break or 1920s-30s Q&A
- 2:15-3:40 ET: Illustrated Talk: The History of the Tango
- 3:40-3:55 ET: Break or Tango Q&A
- 3:55-5:00 ET: Class: The Ragtime Era
Dances of the Young Arthur Murray
(no partner is needed)
- 5:00-5:30 ET: Cocktail Hour, Q&A, and Chatting with Friends
The topics of the first two talks and
classes are self-explanatory.
Here is a description of The Ragtime Era Dances of the Young
Arthur Murray:
Arthur Murray is well-known to have started writing his dance manuals in 1922. But in 1914, the teenaged Arthur Murray had graduated from the Vernon Castle Normal School in New York City, and was beginning to teach dance in Asheville, NC and write a series of how-to-dance articles for the local newspaper. Through 22 of his articles, from 1914 to 1919, Richard has found that Murray provided unique insights into the newly created Fox-Trot, as well as the Tango, One-Step, Hesitation Waltz and Castle Polka. Richard will also dip into the early 1920s, with Murray's Tut-Ankh-Amen Fox Trot, which includes the Mummy Walk.
About Richard Powers
Richard is an expert in American social dance, noted for his choreographies for dozens of stage productions and films, and his workshops in Paris, Rome, Prague, London, Venice, Geneva, St. Petersburg and Tokyo as well as across the U.S. and Canada. He has been researching and reconstructing historic social dances for over thirty years and is currently a full-time instructor at Stanford University Dance Division.
A collection of Richard's writings about danceRichard & Angela Amarillas Demonstrate Cross-Step Waltz Variations
If registration reaches capacity, we will keep a waiting list.
To be confirmed, all applicants must pay for the event within 7 days of registering.
Step 1: Register
Step 2: Zoom link
We will send a Zoom link 24 hours before the Gathering begins and again an hour or so before the Gathering begins.There is no charge for the Gathering. However, we welcome donations. For online donations, we accept both PayPal and Stripe. LVD is a non-profit educational organization.Contributions are tax-deductible.
Alternatively, you may donate by mailing a check via the US Postal Service by sending a check made out to "Lexington Vintage Dance" to:
Lexington Vintage Dance
c/o Jan Pearce
3477 Scaffold Cane Rd.
Berea, KY 40403
Contact Us
If you have any questions, please contact Jan Pearce:
Jan Pearce
3477 Scaffold Cane Rd
Berea, KY 40403
(859) 813-0956
You can also visit the Lexington Vintage Dance's homepage to learn more about upcoming events